KYT: The Key to Stopping Crypto Crime Across Chains
06 Feb 2024

As the digital asset market continues to expand, blockchain technology is increasingly being applied across a broad spectrum of domains. However, this growth has brought about a series of new risk issues, making traditional Know Your Customer (KYC) measures insufficient, especially in the context of malicious cross-blockchain transfers. In response to this challenge, Know Your Transaction (KYT) has emerged as an effective solution, helping to identify and mitigate harmful activities within the blockchain ecosystem.

First, it’s important to understand what constitutes a malicious cross-blockchain transfer. Essentially, these are transactions where attackers exploit vulnerabilities between different blockchains to move funds from one place to another for illicit gain. The primary goal is to take advantage of the decentralized nature of blockchains to evade traditional financial monitoring methods. Such actions pose a significant threat to both the security of the blockchain and the financial safety of its users. However, the emergence of KYT has made it possible to change this scenario.

Identifying Malicious Cross-Blockchain Transfer Pathways:


Transaction details showing the possible risk of a wallet address, analysis by Trustformer’s Risk Detector

Risk source of an analyzed wallet address with malicious transfer, analysis by Trustformer’s Risk Detector

  1. Understanding Transaction Details: Before executing any transaction, users should thoroughly understand the details, including the sender, recipient, amount, and purpose. Particular attention should be paid to transactions that significantly exceed normal amounts or where the purpose is unclear, as these may indicate the possibility of malicious cross-blockchain transfers.

Transaction details showing the fund tracking of a wallet address, analysis by Trustformer’s Trackr

Fund flow of the malicious wallet to Kraken Exchange, analysis by Trustformer’s Trackr

  1. Observing Transaction Paths: Normal transaction paths usually involve only one blockchain, while cross-blockchain transactions involve multiple chains. By closely monitoring the trajectory of these transactions — noting the number and nature of the blockchains involved — users can gauge the likelihood of a transfer being malicious. This vigilant observation is key in preemptively recognizing and mitigating risks.

Malicious wallet address transaction history analysis. Transaction reports can be generated for external use.

  1. Checking Transaction Records: A user’s blockchain account may display unusual transaction records, which could be indicative of cross-blockchain malicious transfers. By comparing transaction logs across various blockchains, one can identify discrepancies or unusual patterns that deviate from normative behavior, providing a basis for further investigation and action.

Trustformer KYT Alert System allows users to receive notifications upon unusual on-chain activity.


Transaction alerts indicate the severity of the on-chain activities based on the threshold alert set.


On-chain Transaction Activities Analysis Report Dashboard by Trustformer Analyzer 


  1. Utilizing Security Tools: The blockchain ecosystem is not devoid of tools designed to fortify security. Many blockchain wallets and platforms now incorporate advanced monitoring capabilities, offering real-time alerts to users upon detection of anomalous transactions. These tools are instrumental in providing an additional layer of defense, enabling users to respond swiftly to potential threats.

What Can Trustformer KYT Do for You?

Firstly, Trustformer KYT uses advanced technical means to deeply mine and analyze blockchain data. This enables Trustformer KYT to quickly identify abnormal transaction behavior, including cross-blockchain transfers.

Secondly, Trustformer KYT employs its data analysis capabilities to establish a comprehensive early warning system for risks. When potential malicious transfers are detected, the system can immediately issue an alert to prompt relevant personnel to take action.

Trustformer KYT also combines an understanding of the blockchain industry, experience, and a variety of publicly available information and data, to form a comprehensive, multi-level risk identification system. This not only increases the accuracy of identifying malicious transfers but also strengthens the capacity to handle such risks.

For those looking to prevent malicious cross-blockchain transfers, Trustformer KYT offers an excellent reference model. Through the technology and methods of Trustformer KYT, businesses can better identify and prevent similar risk issues, safeguarding their assets.

The integration of KYT protocols represents a significant stride towards enhancing the security framework within the digital asset realm. By adopting a meticulous approach to transaction analysis, pathway monitoring, record examination, and the utilization of dedicated security instruments, stakeholders can effectively shield themselves against the perils of malicious cross-blockchain transfers, ensuring a safer blockchain environment for all participants.

For resources and further information, visit Why is KYT important.

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