How to Secure Your Private Keys with Crypto Custody
12 Sep 2024


Security concerns often top the list of pain points for businesses looking to create and manage their cryptocurrency platforms. With the rising threat of cyberattacks and the complexity of handling digital assets, many companies grapple with managing private keys securely—often the gateway to their valuable assets. 

The security of these keys becomes even more critical as they represent the control of digital assets, making businesses vulnerable if compromised.

 ChainUp’s custody services recognize these challenges and provide a highly secure, scalable solution tailored to businesses in the blockchain space. Our services go beyond mere asset storage—we offer multi-layered security protocols that ensure private keys are stored, accessed, and protected with the highest standards. 

Here’s how we address the key security challenges businesses face in this space and the concrete steps we’ve taken to mitigate potential risks, particularly focusing on private key server protection.


Security Measures ChainUp Custody Provides

Securing private keys is essential for any cryptocurrency platform, but implementing the right protective measures can be challenging. With robust protocols, ChainUp Custody gives businesses the assurance they need to operate securely in digital assets.


1. Robust Firewall Configuration

A frequent concern for businesses is managing the flow of sensitive data and controlling who can access digital assets. Our firewall configurations are designed to act as the first layer of defense. 

Leveraging cloud-native firewall services provided by Azure and AWS, we strictly regulate inbound and outbound traffic, ensuring that only authorized users can access the private key servers.

Using Azure and AWS’s advanced firewall capabilities, we create tailored access rules that significantly minimize exposure to unauthorized access. Azure Firewall offers high-level threat protection and scalability, which businesses need to grow their platforms.

On the other hand, AWS Network Firewall secures virtual private clouds (VPC) from network threats, designed to expand seamlessly alongside a business’s infrastructure.

This is critical for businesses that need to maintain high-security levels without compromising the scalability of their cryptocurrency platform.


2. Virtual Private Network (VPN) for Secure Access

One of the pain points businesses often face is providing remote, secure access for their teams without compromising security. ChainUp Custody employs dedicated VPNs, ensuring that only authenticated personnel can access the private key servers. This allows businesses to confidently extend access while keeping internal networks isolated from external threats.


3. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Relying solely on passwords is risky, as they can be easily compromised. ChainUp Custody integrates multi-factor authentication (MFA), requiring several verification steps such as passwords, security tokens, and biometrics. This system dramatically enhances security by ensuring that only thoroughly authenticated users can access the system, offering businesses peace of mind.


4. Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP)

For many businesses, balancing operational efficiency with security is a challenge. Granting employees and contractors access to sensitive systems can expose the company to risks. 

ChainUp Custody follows the principle of least privilege, ensuring users only have access to the specific systems and data necessary for their role. This minimizes the risk of internal data breaches, protecting the business and its customers.

We assign access based on roles, limiting exposure and reducing the chance of accidental or malicious access. And by deactivating unnecessary services and restricting permissions, we help businesses protect their digital assets more effectively.


5. Regular Penetration Testing and Code Audits

Businesses fear unknown vulnerabilities in their systems that could be exploited. 

At ChainUp, we conduct regular penetration testing and code audits to proactively identify and resolve security issues before external threats can exploit them. This reassures businesses that their platform’s integrity remains uncompromised.


6. Advanced Early Warning Systems

Downtime and financial loss are inevitable if security breaches aren’t detected early. Our advanced early warning systems monitor network traffic in real-time, flagging abnormal activities and sending alerts to the business before issues escalate. 

Our real-time network monitoring helps businesses respond to threats before they impact operations. Our platform also collects, analyzes, and correlates security events across the network, providing businesses comprehensive visibility into potential risks.


Secure Your Cryptocurrency Platform with ChainUp Custody

In the high-stakes world of cryptocurrency platforms, even the smallest security gap can lead to catastrophic losses. ChainUp Custody doesn’t just acknowledge these risks—it actively eliminates them with a comprehensive, battle-tested security framework designed to keep your digital assets safe.

From multi-factor authentication to firewall protections and early warning systems, our solution is designed to protect your business’s digital assets, giving you the confidence to grow your platform securely.

By partnering with ChainUp, you get access to the highest standards of security without having to compromise on scalability or operational efficiency. This allows your business to focus on what matters—innovation and growth.

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